Lao Exhibition – <Pateo do Mungo 百年菉荳圍>Lao Exhibition – <Pateo do Mungo 百年菉荳圍>Lao Exhibition – <Pateo do Mungo 百年菉荳圍>Lao Exhibition – <Pateo do Mungo 百年菉荳圍>Lao Exhibition – <Pateo do Mungo 百年菉荳圍>Lao Exhibition – <Pateo do Mungo 百年菉荳圍>Lao Exhibition – <Pateo do Mungo 百年菉荳圍>Lao Exhibition – <Pateo do Mungo 百年菉荳圍>Lao Exhibition – <Pateo do Mungo 百年菉荳圍>

Lao Exhibition – <Pateo do Mungo 百年菉荳圍>

Lao Photography Exhibition
DVD and the book launching ceremony

Origins of Creation

Páteo do Mungo is the second image production about Macao by the author.

There are 13 houses of southern Fujian architectural style, which are on the verge of extinction, at a back alley in Macao called Páteo do Mungo.

Urban developments and the demise of old proprietors are possible reasons why these houses are due to be demolished. The community spirit, the laughter of innocent children, oysters being dried at daytime and residents enjoying the cool in the evenings, games of Mahjong and Tian Gow dominoes, have all become the sights that will never return.

Upon receiving the news that the ownership of Páteo do Mungo will be transferred and tenants beginning to dislocate, the author hastily returned to this neighbourhood where he was born from Lisbon in summer 2008. He used images to record his sentimental attachments to every single brick and tile, the thoughts of the old tenants and the final moments of the residents who have lived happily and in harmony in the past decades.

Details of Exhibition

Apart from the photography by Lao, a documentary about Pátio do Mungo will also be shown, plus exhibition of furniture that was used in the neighbourhood, including a kerosene lamp and a vinyl player, aiming to demonstrate the traditional way of life of the Chinese community in Macao.

Three pieces of music composed by Ip Kim Kuok, a doctoral student in composition at the University of Salford , will be played at the third floor.


展覽地點:澳門瘋堂斜巷10號  瘋堂十號創意園



マカオにある「Páteo do Mungo」は菉荳圍(ロクダオワイ)と言われる民間の数が少なく路地の中に13軒の家しかない場所である。


展出內容以「百年菉荳圍」──劉善恆攝影集的攝影作品為主軸,播放「百年菉荳圍」紀錄片,會場同時展示火水燈,黑膠唱片機等曾於菉荳圍使用過的舊傢俱。回味昔日傳統華人社群的生活模式。三樓播放現就讀於英國索爾福德大學作 曲 博士生葉劍國為「百年菉荳圍」紀錄片所創作的三首主題音樂。


News about the exhibition from Media and newspaper

Macao Commercial Post 澳門商報 – 4 Mar 2010 百年菉荳围影展回味下环……

Macao Daily 澳門日報 – 28 Feb 2010 【本報消息】“百年菉荳圍”——劉善恆攝影作品展……

Macao Daily 澳門日報 – 26 Feb 2010 瘋堂名人匯周末創意園舉行 百年菉荳圍攝影展同日揭幕

Macao Daily 澳門日報 – 26 Feb 2010 C11廣告

Ponto Final – 11 Feb 2010 A partir do documentário que teve estreia no ano passado, “Páteo do Mungo” …

香港頭條日報 – 26 Feb 2010 澳門下環區內有一條被稱為「菉荳圍」的小巷……

澳門藝術網 – 18 Jan 2010 展出內容以「百年菉荳圍」──劉善恆攝影集的攝影作品為主軸……

Macau Art Net – 18 Jan 2010 Apart from the photography by Lao, a documentary about Pátio do Mungo will also be shown…

Others : Time Out Hong Kong, Delta Bridges, Macau City Guide, UO Macau, 深圳晶報