Perception & Augmented Reality conceptual websitePerception & Augmented Reality conceptual websitePerception & Augmented Reality conceptual websitePerception & Augmented Reality conceptual websitePerception & Augmented Reality conceptual websitePerception & Augmented Reality conceptual websitePerception & Augmented Reality conceptual websitePerception & Augmented Reality conceptual website

Perception & Augmented Reality Conceptual Website

I am making an interactive conceptual website.

Click here go to the testing site

Type : Flash + Action Script 2 + AR + After Effects + 3D max

Design & Program by : Lao

作品介紹 Introduction :

Perception means the process that people are choosing, organizing and explaining external stimulation for sense, then giving the meaning of the objects in this world. The process of the perception is affected by the structure of creatures and different psychological factors so that various creatures can sense different results for Perception. Even human perceives the same object, the result may not the same.

Our general “reality” is through five senses and our cerebrum to convey or constrict for our original world, then gain the result. Since this conveyance or constriction cause some inappropriateness for the process of perception, and the differences for everyone, we can’t only prove the existence of the objects whether we can sense it by ourselves or not.

Idealism, Buddhism and Taoism also mention to exceed general perceptive experience and an individual giving the definition for the real world, or through these thoughts, we may realize that original “real” world which hasn’t constricted by five senses and our cerebrum. However, it’s more important to learn how to respect, tolerate and accept other creations in this world than to understand what is the meaning of “reality”. It’s because the individual process of the perception is very complicated and arbitrary.


我們一般所謂的“真實”是經過五感和大腦把原來世界進行一定程度的傳譯或壓縮所得到的結果,這種傳譯或壓縮導致了感知過程的不中肯,以及個體間的差 異性,所以我們不能單純以能否被自己感知去証明事物的存在。一些諸如西方唯心主義或是東方佛學、道家思想等均有提到超越一般感官經驗以及對真實世界的定 義,或許透過這些思想,我們能略為窺探那個未經五感和大腦壓縮的原來“真實”世界。但比起了解何謂”真實”,學會尊重同住地球的其他生命,求同存異,包容 接納的精神更為重要,因為個體間感知的過程是如此的複雜和主觀。


Augmented Reality ( abbr. AR) emphasizes to blend virtual information with the objects in the reality. AR augments virtual information to our real world through a computer as a sensor. It’s an interesting comparison with the creation – the information of real world which we can sense is constricted by the process of the perception versus via AR to expand the real infomation.

The designer combines AR with website, mainly depending on Adobe Flash and Aactionscript 3. Nowadays, using AR in website can co-operate with the promotions for new products or as an interaction design exhibition.

擴增實境 技術,強調把虛擬資訊與真實空間的物件之間進行交互融合,擴增實境以電腦作為傳感器,把虛擬資訊擴充到我們的現實世界,傳達出和現實不同的狀況,和本作品提到「感知過程是對真實世界進行資訊壓縮」概念形成對比(擴充和壓縮)。

把擴增實境結合網頁媒介,主要以Adobe Flash和Aactionscript 3開發。在網頁上使用擴增技術也可配合其他新產品開發的宣傳策略或是作為互動設計與展覽而使用。