Game Design for Macao Blood Transfusion Service

Macao Water Fountains

Launch Movie

澳門的水源.As Fontes de Água de Macau.Macao Water Fountains

Director : Lao

Producer :  Miguel Cheong Kin Man

There is a legend that says “those who drink from the fountain of Lilau will always stay or return to Macao”. In reality, people not only stayed in Macao, but settled around the fountain. In spite of the legend, Lilau’s fountain dried out in the last century, but its charm is still there. It is a spring full of memories and also one of the symbols of the harmonious encounter of local cultures. It is a pity that in the Lilau area, which is on the World Heritage List, most of the houses are abandoned and have lost their proper cultural function. Moreover, the fountainhead is now facing a serious hygiene problem. When will Lilau attract the attention it deserves, bringing a closure to this predicament?




National Taiwan Museum of  Fine Arts (Taiwan)

News from other media : Macao Cultural Centre , OXwarehouse spring_of_macau_logo, Hojemacau , National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts , Hojemacau

Client : Local Docu Power – Macao international Film and Video Festival 2008 / Year : 2008

Directed by :  Lao,  Producer :  Miguel Cristovão,  Photography :  Lao, Based on a text by : Miguel Cristovão, Edited by : Lao, Illustration : Ivy Hol Tak Kuan, Special effects : Lao, Original music composed by : Henry Ip Kim Kuok, Music performed by : Cyrus (Guitar), Henry Ip Kim Kuok (Piano), Music recording & sound mixing : Henry Ip Kim Kuok, Christina Kuok Lei Cheng, Related music information collected by : Patrício Oliveira,  Miguel Cristovão,  Sound assistant : Patrício Oliveira, Chico Lei Weng I , Translated by : Miguel Cristovão, Flora Fong,  Proofreaders :  Dr. Leong Cheok I, Mr. Carlos Alves, Mrs. Carmen Gouveira, Ms. Tori Ostrom, Ms. Carina Leong, Presenters : Tam Ian Kei,  Ernesto de Sousa, Suey Fong Sou I, Graphic Design :  Lao