《美濃・余白 Mino – blank-leaving The exhibition of Season Lao》2021 Apr – Solo Exhibition – Mino, Japan

Solo Exhibition
Date : 2021.4.27 – 9.26
City : Mino, Japan

501-3728 岐阜県美濃市本住町1912-1 / 1912-1 Motozumichō, Mino, Gifu 501-3728, Japan

Date : 2021.4.27 – 9.26 Every SAT, SUN, MON 11:00 – 16:00

Opening オープニング 4.27(火) 13:00 – 14:00
Workshop ワークショップ 「美濃 心の風景を写そう」 4.27(火) (事前予約制) 16:00 -

In contrast to modern society’s materialism, Season Lao throws his awareness into the “blank spaces” of oriental art, handed down from time immemorial, and continues to release works based upon metaphysical concepts. He creates works that make you experience the blank spaces in things like the snow and clouds in the natural world. His works present a world view in which there is no estrangement between nature and man. They are highly appreciated both inside and outside the country.

The aesthetics of the blank spaces in his art not only gives a natural and beautiful impression to people who see his art. It also reverberates into the surrounding environment and has a unique aftertaste that makes each viewer remember the viewer’s primal scenes, which reside in the viewer’s heart. The works make you experience Shangri-la in some respects. They reside together in this Utopia of the heart. You get the impression that the topics of your discussions might come true.

One of the essential elements of his works is that he makes use of handmade paper, which is part of the traditional culture of East Asia. This time, Mr. Lao visited Mino, and a connection was born with the makers of Mino washi paper, which has a history of 1,300 years, the oldest in Japan, and is even a part of our world cultural heritage.

“We inevitably realize coincidences.” A heavy snow fell on Mino during his three-day stay. The Itadorigawa river, covered with a blanket of snow, was white. He received enormous cooperation from the people of Mino, who live on both banks of that river. That cooperation led to a valuable stay for him to understand virtues and essences while associating with Mino’s culture, history, and nature.

At present, life is constrained due to the coronavirus. The value system expressed as “It is better to have than not to have” is also widespread. During such a time, we hope that you will confront the “blank spaces of the Orient,” which are being completely forgotten in people’s hearts, and have an encounter with the beautiful contemporary artworks of Mino.



彼の作品において重要な要素の一つは、東アジアにある伝統文化である手漉き紙を用いていることです。 今回ラオ氏が美濃を訪れ、日本最古1300年の歴史を持つ、世界文化遺産でもある本美濃和紙の造り手との縁が生まれました。

「偶然は必然と実感します。」美濃に滞在した三日間の間に降った大雪。 雪化粧に包まれた板取川の白。 その川の両岸に住む美濃の方々からの多大な協力は彼にとって美濃の文化、歴史、自然と交わりながら美質と本質を理解する貴重な滞在となりました。こうした縁を基に制作された新作「美濃の余白」が誕生しました。


Link : NIPPONIA美濃商家町-満月  シーズン・ラオ特別展示

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